Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris rewards, April 17-21

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Trials of Osiris is back in Destiny2 Saint-14 is the new Trials supplier and commentator, and players can discover him and his items in the Tower Garage every Friday at reset.

Weekly, the Trials of Osiris map changes, as do the rewards for winning a particular number ofmatches The rewards correspond throughout all players, although every gamer’s weapon roll will vary.

Here are the ensured Trials of Osiris rewards today:

Map: Exodus Blue

  • 3 wins– The Summoner Solar auto rifle
  • 5 wins– Plate, Vest, Bathrobe of the Exile (Titan, Hunter, Warlock chest)
  • 7 wins– Tomb, Boots, Legs of the Exile (Titan, Hunter, Warlock boots)
  • Perfect– Onslaughts, Grips, Gloves of the Exile (Titan, Hunter, Warlock gloves)

Players who handle to reach 7 wins without a single loss can go to the Lighthouse social space– called a Perfectrun The Lighthouse uses extra rewards for players, some of which are special, like an unique symbol. Players who reach the Lighthouse likewise make an unique armor radiance for any of their Trials of Osiris armor, which lasts for the rest of the weekend.

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I am the author for Gaming Ideology and loves to play Battle Royale games and loves to stream and write about them. I am a freelancer and now is the permanent member of Gaming Ideology.

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