Warframe – What is Baro selling today on May 8th

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Every 2 weeks Baro Ki’Teer shows up in Warframe, to disappoint and surprise in equal measure. The weird figure will arrive in one of the game’s relays, with a stock of cosmetics, mods, and weapons to sell. To purchase them, you will primarily need Ducats, a type of currency that just Baro seems to deal with, and Credits. You can get Ducats by selling Prime parts at any of the Ducat Kiosks on the Relays. The rarer the part, the more Ducats you will get.

Baro arrives every 2 weeks and hangs around for 2 days, so be sure to grab what you need when you can! It’s time to start opening those Relics if you need more Ducats!

What is Baro Selling Today?

You can find Baro at the Kronia Relay on Saturn with the following items in stock:

Item Ducats Credits
Primed Cleanse Grineer 350 140000
Primed Cleanse Corpus 350 140000
Primed Cleanse Infested 350 140000
Weapon Shotgun Faction Damage Corrupted Expert 350 140000
Glaring Emblem 50 50000
Ignis Wraith 550 250000
Prisma Rostam Kubrow Armor 400 175000
Noggle Statue– Baro Ki’Teer 70 250000
Zylok 500 200000
Left Prisma Edo Shoulder Plates 100 55000
Right Prisma Edo Shoulder Plates 100 55000
Left Prisma Edo Knee Plates 100 55000
Right Prisma Edo Knee Plates 100 55000
Prisma Edo Chest Plate 225 250000
Parazon Poster 100 125000
Ki’Teer Syandana 500 500000
Orokin Tower Extraction Scene 325 175000
Liset Prisma Skin 120 150000
3 Day Resource Booster 400 150000
Prisma Arrows 350 75000
Prisma Tetra 400 50000
Mahd Luxxum Ornament 100 100000
Akka Luxxum Accessory 100 100000
Sands Of Inaros Blueprint 100 25000

What should you buy from Baro today?

Damage mods are always good, as they can provide an unexpected amount of extra damage in builds designed to handle specific foes. The Ignis Wraith is a must for everyone who does not have it. Some Viral combined with the inherent Heat damage will one hit practically anything on the Star Chart.

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