How Standoff works in Ghost of Tsushima

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Standoff is an important tool in your arsenal in Ghost of Tsushima, and is an element of Jin’s respectable training as a Samurai. When you are first facing a group of enemies, you can choose to enter a Standoff with them, stalling and bold them to come near to you.

When you are approaching a group of enemies, you will see a timely on the screen informing you that a Standoff is available, and you can hit the up button on your D-Pad to capitalize of it. Jin will enter a cautious position, waiting for his enemies to technique. When they come up to, you can hold the Triangle button, and wait for when of them to strike.

When they do, release the Triangle button and you will slice through them before their blade can hit you, unless you are far too late in which case you will take damage. You will quickly kill the enemy who attempts to strike you, if you are successfully, decreasing their benefit and offering yourself an easier fight.

Combat in Ghost of Tsushima is quite harsh, and you will be dropped in just a couple of strikes, so decreasing enemy numbers in this way can be a substantial benefit. Even better, as you level up and get access to new Strategies, you will have the ability to take out even more enemies during a standoff. This will allow you to clear out whole groups of enemies rapidly, however your timing will need to be best to continue the chain of strikes.

One essential thing to keep in mind about Standoff is that you can refrain from doing it against particular enemies, and even groups of enemies will quickly close the distance on you, so your window to enter a Standoff will be restricted.

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