G.I. Joe Operation Blackout – New Third-Person Shooter Announced

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Game Mill Home Entertainment announced the new team- based 3rd- individual shooter G.I. Joe: OperationBlackout


The campaign is based on comics from the 80 s and it will lead you to Cobra head office and the U.S.S. Flag. G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout provides you the chance to choose in between twelve characters from Team Joe and Team Cobra and fight with them in an 18-missioncampaign There will be extra modes too which are a regional split- screen mode and a PvP multiplayer mode. The multiplayer modes are consisting of a traditional mode such as Capture the Flag, Attack and King of the Hill.

Each character has his own unique power, the weapons are personalized and the look can be changed.

Some playable characters has actually been already confirmed: Duke, Snake Eyes, Cobra Leader, Destro, Obstruction and Storm Shadow.

G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout will introduce on October 13, 2020 on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout– Official Reveal Trailer


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