Fortnite Season 8 Trailer Revealed With Carnage Battle Pass Surprise

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Fortnite Season 8 Trailer and Battle Pass News (Image: EPIC GAMES)

New Fortnite Season 8 trailers have been shared and others are being shared for later today.

The big news so far is that a teaser clip has been released before, giving some big Battle Pass clues.

This includes a very close look at the new skin that appears to be for Marvel character Carnage. Crossovers have been happening for a long time and with a new Venom movie coming out with the villainous symbiote, it would make sense for something like this to be included.

The teaser trailer also gave a quick look at what will change on the island during Season 8, including the crashed alien mothership.

Other references to Kevin the Cube’s return were also seen, and it looks like vents will return in one form or another.

Meanwhile, Epic Games has announced when they will drop the full season 8 story trailer for Fortnite.

Based on the current timing, the new trailer will go live on September 13, 2021 at around 06:00 BST.

And with a new story trailer on the way, gamers can also expect an in-depth look at what will be included in the new Battle Pass.

A special Battle Pass trailer for Season 8 will come when the game is playable again and should feature the biggest skins and special items.

But gamers will have to wait for the servers to come back online before they can get a first-hand look at everything new in Season 8.


Fortnite’s downtime for Season 8 has already started, but the current countdown timer that’s displayed will disappear and the servers will shut down completely, at 7am.

So while the game isn’t playable at the moment, Epic Games has warned that it will take more downtime to complete everything.

That means Fortnite maintenance for Season 8 will continue after 7 a.m. BST and may continue for several hours after that.

The latest message from Epic Games reads: “Cubes are currently taking over Fortnite as a result of Operation: Sky Fire, shaping the next season…

“Server downtime for Chapter 2 Season 8 (v18.00) will begin September 13 at 02:00 ET (06:00 UTC). Stay tuned for updates!

“During this Cube takeover, you will not be able to play Fortnite until the server goes down. Prepare to defend the island!

“Note: With the launch of the new season, patch sizes will be larger than usual on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.”

Fortnite Season 8 will officially begin on Monday, September 13, 2021, on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, PC and mobile platforms simultaneously.

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