Home News Gaming The Playstation Showcase Reveals The Trailer For God Of War Ragnarök

The Playstation Showcase Reveals The Trailer For God Of War Ragnarök

After the colossal success of the first reboot of god of war in 2018, fans of the series eagerly awaited a return of Kratos and Atreus. And it is with great pleasure that Corly Barlog and her team of Santa Monica Studio reveal the very first trailer of their second opus titled Ragnarok, planned for 2022. A holy closing bouquet at the end of the Playstation Showcase.

God Of War Ragnarok – Playstation Showcase 2021 Unveils Trailer

A father and son affair

We can see that in this trailerAtreus has grown tremendously since its first opus in 2018.

Always accompanied by his son Atreus like Mimir, Kratos must be brave the icy winds of Fimbulwinter raging over Midgard, as well as the incessant conflicts over land of the nine kingdoms, While the Ragnarok come.

For those new to Norse mythology, the Ragnarok is a kind of end of the world through a series of catastrophic events.

the country of Midgard and his kingdoms have become even more hostile than ever, with new creatures as dangerous as they are towering in the… Norse Mythologylike the Stalker or the Drek. The realms of Vanaheim, Svartafheim and Asgard are now accessible in Ragnarok, which was not possible in god of war first of the name.

Atreus is still looking for answers to his many questions, including the mystery about Loki, but Kratos is still plagued by his past mistakes and wants to spare his son.

A family affair

During the previous opus, SPOILER ALERT! Kratos confronts Baldur (son of Freya, a wizard of Vanir, formidable warrior and half brother of Thor). During this battle, Baldur is killed by Kratos.

This is why Freya and Thor then decide to go hunting Kratos and his son, to take revenge for the death of this one.


On the side of Kratos, you will always have the magic ax and the blades of chaos that Ares offers at the beginning of his descent to hell and what will haunt him forever.

We could see that in the trailerAtreus had new abilities, such as being able to ride a mystical animal.

The breathless phases of fighting that capture the charm and success of god of war have been revised, with powerful combos, element control or the preparation of defense strategies.

Proofread and corrected by: Opti

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