Destiny 2 Xur Location: Where is Xur Today? What is he selling this week?

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Where is Xur today? (Image: BUNGIE)

Guardians are promised more legendary and exotic Destiny 2 weapons and armor sets to buy today with the return of Xur.

As things have changed over the past few weeks, the big question is where Xur is today and what he’s selling for Legendary Shards and Glimmer.

Before Season 15, Xur was known for selling a small selection of items for Legendary Shards only.

Now the Agent of the Nine has expanded his wares, allowing Guardians to collect larger armor sets in addition to the legendary exotic weapons.

We already know that Bungie has big plans for Destiny 2 in the coming months leading up to The Witch Queen’s 2022 launch.

And it looks like Xur won’t change much in terms of functionality, but will return every week until then.

The return of the mysterious is one of the few guaranteed things to happen in the smash-hit shooter, with plenty of other events being suspended or replaced.

Trials of Osiris is back today, but there are some major renovations going on where the rules and rewards have already changed a lot.

Xur will also bring new loot to the game, and as Guardians discovered last week, it is expected to offer a much broader list of items than during Season 14.

Xur returns to Destiny 2 at 6:00 PM BST and can be visited until September 21.

This is when the weekly reset will begin and will end a number of different activities in Destiny 2.

While Glimmer has gained importance with Xur, Legendary Shards remain the main currency.

And for those who forgot, Legendary Shards used by Xur are remnants of powerful items used to upgrade equipment or trade it for other gear.

It should also be noted that Xur will drop items that are similar in power level to your character.

And another part of Xur that’s new in the latest version of Destiny 2 is that he’s now dropping Cipher Quests for free.

The Quest will reward you with an exotic number, and last week involved completing 21 Strikes or winning the same number of Crucible or Gambit matches.

Each week, Guardians can acquire one Exotic Engram using Legendary Shards that are decoded as Exotics not already in your collection.

Last week Xur sold:

  • Hard Light Energy Auto Rifle for 29 Legendary Shards
  • Graviton Forfeit Hunter Helmet for 23 Legendary Shards
  • Peregrine Greaves Titan Leg Armor for 23 Legendary Shards
  • Contraverse Hold Warlock Gloves for 23 Legendary Shards
  • Dire Promise Primary Hand Cannon 50 Legendary Shards
  • Gnawing Hunger Energy Auto Rifle 50 Legendary Shards
  • Cold Denial Primary Pulse Rifle 50 Legendary Shards
  • Distant Tumulus Energy Sniper Rifle 50 Legendary Shards
  • Wishbringer Energy Shotgun 50 Legendary Shards
  • Seventh Seraph SAW Heavy Machine Gun 50 Legendary Shards
  • Trinary System Energy Fusion Rifle 50 Legendary Shards.

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