Sea of ​​Thieves Season 4 Release Date, Launch Time, Server Downtime, Update PATCH NOTES

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Sea of ​​Thieves Season 4 on Xbox and PC (Image: MICROSOFT)

Sea of ​​Thieves Season 4 is about to go live on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

The new Sea of ​​Thieves season has a September 23 release date for consoles and PC.

As part of the new season, fans can expect new missions, challenges, rewards and locations to explore.

Unfortunately, however, the new season will be preceded by a period of server downtime, starting at 10:00 AM UK time.

The news was announced by Sea of ​​Thieves developer Rare, alongside a preview of what fans can expect from the new season.

“Pirates Attention! Sea of ​​Thieves servers will be offline tomorrow, Thursday, December 23, from approximately 10 a.m. BST so that the path to the Sunken Kingdom can be opened and a new season can begin.”

The main new feature is the ability to explore the Sunken Kingdom, where pirates can discover treasures.

The Sunken Kingdom contains six unique shrines, complete with their own monsters and treasures.

“The Sunken Kingdom has awakened and players can now dive deep to discover the secrets of six unique siren shrines, or claim loot from treacherous treasure troves far below the waves,” reads the official description.

“Each Siren Sanctuary poses unique challenges and threats, as well as harboring plenty of loot for daring crews who can solve the mysteries within.”

Treasures can be exchanged for great rewards in the Pirate Emporium, although you must be careful not to run into other pirates.

To transport your treasure back to your ship, players must store chests at Merfolk statues. These can be picked up when you reach the surface.

Watch the Sea of ​​Thieves Season 4 trailer below for a closer look at the new features.

And while the locations of shrines are marked on the map, players must look out for a sparkle to discover the exact point.

According to Rare, the new season also introduces a brand new Battle Pass, complete with 100 free rewards.

Other unique new items include the Cursed Adventurer Cutlass and brand new binoculars.

The Plunder Pass is available separately and contains 11 items, including a selection of ghostly skins.

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