Genshin Impact 2.2 Live Stream Release Date and October Genshin Codes Update

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The latest news about the release date of the Genshin Impact 2.2 livestream (Image: MIHOYO)

Genshin Impact will continue to grow this year, with the team behind the hit action RPG releasing the next major update on PS4, PS5, PC and mobile in October 2021.

Plans for what’s to come will be revealed this weekend as part of the new Genshin Impact 2.2 livestream event, first being held on Twitch. The good news is that we know that the next streaming event will be held and there will be new Genshin Impact redemption codes to add to your account after that.

The big mystery is how many Banners will be held during Genshin Impact 2.2, how many five characters will be included, and what new features will be added to the game.

There haven’t been as many as there have been for previous Genshin streams, so we don’t have such an easy time predicting which characters and banners will be included. A few hints have been shared by Mihoyo, which makes the process a bit easier.

Thoma, the Mondstadt housekeeper, is expected to be a pyro-polearm character to be seen during the 2.2 eras. Hints have already been dropped suggesting they’ll be included, though we don’t know when they’ll be featured during Genshin 2.2.

Thoma can reportedly create barriers to protect his teammates and is expected to be explained further during the upcoming 2.2 livestream.


For the first time in a long time, Mihoyo has decided to hold a weekend show, with the Genshin Impact 2.2 start date slated for Sunday, October 3, 2021. The official start time has been set at approximately 1:00 PM BST on the official Genshin Impact Twitch Channel .

A YouTube broadcast is also planned, but it won’t take place until later in the day and will feature all the latest news in one video. This means you’ll have to wait until later in the day for the broadcast to be uploaded and shared.

A post shared on the official Genshin social media pages adds: “Dear travelers, it’s time for announcement! The special program for the new version of Genshin Impact will premiere on the official Twitch channel on 10/03/2021 at 08:00 (UTC-4).

New Genshin Impact banners and characters will be confirmed in the coming weeks, and the 2.2 update is expected to arrive in early October.

The downside for gamers in North America is that the same livestream event will be available to watch around 5am PDT, which isn’t as accommodating.

The final release date of Genshin Impact 2.2 is also expected to be shared, with many supporting characters expected in the new lineup.

This means a new wave of four-star characters that you can unlock in the coming weeks to increase your ranks.

Meanwhile, Mihoyo is also expected to share its latest codes that will provide additional XP and leveling abilities for those who choose to redeem them.

These are the latest to launch in August and are expected to offer in-game currency and free items.

Some of the most recent active Genshin Impact codes can be found below:

GenshinGalaxy: 10,000 Mora and three Monstadt hashbrowns, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, five Fine Enhancement Ores.

GenshinEpic: 10,000 Mora, Three Squirrel Fish and three Northern Apple Stew, five Fine Enhancement Ores.

GENSHINGIFT: 50 Primogems and three Hero’s White.

Most Genshin Impact codes are only valid for a short time and should be redeemed as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

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