Check your wardrobe NOW! This retro video game controller is worth thousands of pounds

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One person’s junk is another’s treasure, and the old adage can’t beat the money when it comes to retro games. People in the UK are finding more and more classic Nintendo and Sega gear that could be worth a lot more money than they first thought.

Some items can become valuable due to their rarity, while others have great stories attached.

And a new find this week includes a forgotten Nintendo 64 controller found in a storage closet.

The retro controller is estimated to sell for thousands of pounds at an auction, to be held online on October 19.

Found in an unpaid locker, it’s clear the original owner had worked for Rare, a British company that designed games for Nintendo at the time.

What makes this Nintendo controller even more unique is that it was presented as an award at the E3 1997 gaming convention and features a special logo indentation.

Rare Nintendo 64 controller up for auction (Image: HANSONS)

The item, lot 318, will be up for sale in the Hansons Auctioneers toy auction on October 19 for a whopping £1,500-£2,000.

David Wilson Turner, head of the Hansons Toy/Gaming division, said: “Its rarity is due to the fact that it was given as a prize to winners of an E3 1997 StarFox four-player tournament in America.

“The very first N64 Gold controller came from that 1997 E3, which was held in Atlanta, Georgia.

“The controller is one of the few that exist and has a gold 64 embossed in the center of the controller. It’s super cool, gold on the front and black on the back.

New-found retro Nintendo controller could be worth thousands

New-found retro Nintendo controller could be worth thousands (Image: NINTENDO)

“There is some minor wear to the controller, but overall it is in very good condition as it is 24 years old. It is a fantastic collectible that should appeal to Nintendo fans around the world.

“Gaming is now a big part of the collectors market and is destined to eclipse other sectors due to its massive global popularity.

“Nostalgia is driving the toy/gaming industry and with a massive gaming community now eager to buy and collect rare items, the sky is the limit for gaming gems like these.”

The game controller, lot 318, will be offered in Hansons’ Toy auction on October 19th. Email David Wilson-Turner: [email protected] for more information or to arrange a free toy/game valuation.

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