GTA Trilogy Remastered: More good news for NEW Grand Theft Auto fans

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Grand Theft Auto Trilogy (Image: ROCKSTAR)

GTA Trilogy Remastered is likely to make a big splash when it launches later this year.

The upcoming bundle includes new and improved versions of Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City and San Andreas.

And judging by a recently deleted post from developer Rockstar, there’s one improvement that will please fans in particular.

According to the official description, GTA Trilogy Remastered will feature new and improved controls.

The message suggests that the updated controls will be similar to the controls used in Grand Theft Auto 5.

This should make it much easier for GTA 5 fans to jump in and enjoy the action without being stuck.

Additionally, the remastered trilogy will feature a similar targeting mechanism to Grand Theft Auto 5.

The description – which you can see below – points out some of the other improvements, such as high-resolution textures and drawing spacing.

“Three iconic cities, three epic stories. Play the genre-defining classics of the original Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas updated for a new generation, now with – improvements to the board, including brilliant new lighting and environment upgrades, high-resolution textures, increased draw distances, Grand Theft Auto V-style control and targeting, and much more, bringing these beloved worlds to life with all-new levels of detail.”

Rockstar has not yet announced an official release date, only confirming that the trilogy will launch in 2021.

The launch of GTA Trilogy Remastered heralds a busy time for the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

GTA Online marks the anniversary of GTA 3 by adding new items and events.

“As part of GTA III’s 20th anniversary, look for a slew of special gear to collect in Grand Theft Auto Online at upcoming events this fall, including commemorative clothing and liveries.”

This will be followed by the release of GTA 5 on next-gen consoles such as PS5 and Xbox Series X.

The upgraded version of GTA 5 will feature improved visuals, faster loading times, and smoother gameplay.

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