PlayStation State of Play Event Streaming Time, Leaked Lineup: Final Fantasy, Gotham Knights

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Sony State of Play event (Image: SONY)

PS5 and PS4 owners will want to tune in for the next State of Play event.

Sony will hold a brand new State of Play conference on October 27 at 10 PM Dutch time.

The presentation will be broadcast live on all the usual platforms, or you can watch the stream for yourself by clicking play on the YouTube embed below.

According to the official announcement, the next state of play will be about 20 minutes long and will focus on upcoming games from third-party developers.

“During this timeout, we will be focusing on announcements and updates for upcoming third-party releases en route to PS5 and PS4,” reads a Sony message.

“The show will run for approximately 20 minutes and will share new looks at previously announced games, plus a few reveals from our partners around the world.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be a state of affairs without a spate of leaks, and this week’s event is no different.

According to the latest reports, the October State of Play will give fans a comprehensive look at Square Enix RPG Final Fantasy 16.

The development team previously announced plans to reveal more information in 2021, so a State of Play deep dive makes sense.

The game takes place in the land of Valistea and stars the brand new protagonist Clive Rosfield.

The firstborn son of the Archduke of Rosaria. Though everyone expected him to inherit the flames of the Phoenix and awaken as his Dominant, fate instead chose his younger brother Joshua to bear this burden.

Seeking a role of his own, Clive devoted himself to mastering the knife. His practice pays off when, at just fifteen years old, he wins the ducal tournament and is named the First Shield of Rosaria – the task of guarding the Phoenix and blessed with the ability to wield some of his fire.

“Unfortunately, Clive’s promising career will end in tragedy at the hands of a mysterious dark Eikon, Ifrit, who sets him on a dangerous road to revenge.”

Other games tipped during the event include Gotham Knights, Gollum and tchia.

Tchia is described as a “tropical open-world adventure” in which the main character can take control of various animals.

Climb, slide, swim and cruise your boat around a beautiful archipelago in this physics-powered sandbox.

“Use Tchia’s Soul Jumping ability to take control of any animal or object you can find, and jam on your fully playable ukulele. A game inspired by New Caledonia.”

Gotham Knights meanwhile is another open world game, only instead of jumping between animals you take control of various superheroes.

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