The world’s smallest arcade can be found in a pay phone near you

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The smallest arcade in the world is in a phone booth (Image: NVIDIA)

The red telephone box is an iconic part of British culture, dating back to the 1920s.

Unfortunately, the advent of mobile technology means that payphones are becoming more and more obsolete.

Municipalities are getting more creative with old phone booths, transforming them into everything from libraries to miniature gardens.

Gaming company NVIDIA even springs into action, turning a phone booth in Manchester into the world’s smallest arcade.

The smallest arcade uses 5G technology to allow gamers to stream the latest games on a tablet and gamepad. It even has a mini fridge.

NVIDIA made the move in an effort to promote its cloud streaming service GeForce NOW.

“Britains are gaming on the go, wherever they are, more than ever, and to accommodate this growing trend, NVIDIA is bringing its cloud gaming service GeForce Now to the UK’s High Street, in the form of the world’s smallest gaming arcade. ,” reads an NVIDIA message.

“By revitalizing the now-defunct classic British telephone box, gamers can enjoy thousands of their favorite games with the same high-tech experience as on a premium gaming PC.

“The World’s Smallest Gaming Arcade has been launched so people no longer have to game at times and places they probably shouldn’t, following research showing Britons are increasingly getting stuck gaming in places like the toilet, at a family dinner and even at their own wedding.”

While the payphone arcade was initially only available in Manchester, an NVIDIA spokesperson told Express Online it may move to other locations.

The news comes just a week after NVIDIA announced plans to launch a new tier for its subscription service.

GeForce NOW allows subscribers to access and play their PC libraries on a wide selection of devices. This includes phones, tablets, and certain browsers, as well as PC, Mac, and Android TV.

The world's smallest arcade can be found in a pay phone near you

The world’s smallest arcade can be found in a pay phone near you (Image: NVIDIA)

NVIDIA currently offers a free tier and a priority tier, which allows subscribers to play games at 1080p and up to 60 frames per second. It even supports RTX.

NVIDIA has since unveiled a brand new, premium tier for GeForce NOW subscribers.

Thanks to the power of the mighty RTX 3080 graphics card, the high-performance layer allows users to play at 1440p and 120 frames per second on PC and Mac.

Memberships are currently offered for £89.99, with a six-month term.

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