Home News Gaming Diablo 3 Season 25 Start Date News As Blizzard Prepares PTR

Diablo 3 Season 25 Start Date News As Blizzard Prepares PTR

Diablo 3 Season 25 start date news (Image: BLIZZARD)

Diablo 3 Season 25 is approaching and gamers will have a good idea when the release date is set for the launch of PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

As usual, Blizzard is preparing to launch a PTR build before launching the full experience on PC and consoles. And now, new details have been shared about the game’s next major update, which will be called PTR 2.7.2.

Testing will begin later this week and the schedule includes maintenance and other outage periods to make room for the new PTR build.

The good news is that Blizzard is looking for a lot of feedback over the next two weeks to help with the launch, with testing starting on November 4.

A post featuring the new Diablo 3 update and what it means for Season 25 explains: “Three PTR unique buffs will be active to help you on your journey: increased Legendary drop rate, increased experience gain, and double Blood Shard- drops.

“You can also buy new gear for testing from the special PTR seller, Djank Mi’em, who will trade Blood Shards for class-specific bags full of Legendary items that we’d love to test.

“Class and Balance Changes: To ensure that the most important class changes get enough attention, we’d like you to focus on testing and feedback on the set changes in the Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Necromancer, Wizard, and Demon Hunter.

“Testing New Seasonal Themes: We’re looking for feedback on the Seasonal Theme content with Soul Shards.”

Due to the limited duration of this PTR, Blizzard is asking participants to choose a specific part of this update to focus on testing.

For example, if you are primarily a Wizard player, consider what changes specifically affect the Wizard. What you like the most, what you think might still need some tweaking, and what you’d like to see in the future.

Meanwhile, Diablo developers have also shared a complete rundown of what they have planned for Season 25, including news about Soul Shards’ theme and evolution.

Season 25 introduces the new type of socketable item, which will be available in seven forms. These will also be unique Soul Shards, based on the Lords of Hell, giving players demonic new powers.

One of the 3 Prime Evil Soul Shards can be equipped in Helms and one of the 4 Lesser Evil Soul Shards can be equipped in Weapons. Each Soul Shard can be upgraded three times with a new seasonal exclusive item, the Hellforge Ember.

Soul Shards and Hellforge Embers can fall anywhere in Sanctuary, but Soul Shards are more likely to fall from Bosses. Soul Shards cannot be traded, but can be salvaged or used in Caldesann’s Despair.

A developer comment on Season 25 adds, “With the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Diablo franchise, we wanted players to delve into the dark side of Nephalem’s past.

“In Season 25, players can embrace evil by infusing themselves with the essences of the Lords of Hell. Players begin their Season Journey to discover and upgrade demonic Soul Shards based on the seven Lords of Hell.

“By embodying a Prime and Lesser Evil, players will inflict new forms of pain and suffering on the demons of Sanctuary. We can’t wait for players to get their hands on Soul Shards to unlock their true power.”

And based on the new testing schedule, the release date of Diablo 3 season 25 is expected to be announced on November 19 or November 26 on all platforms, including the new update.

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