Home News Gaming Netflix Games UK: How to Play New Netflix Games on Android

Netflix Games UK: How to Play New Netflix Games on Android


Netflix Games arrives in the UK (Image: NETFLIX)

Netflix is ​​expanding into the gaming sector this week by launching the next section – Netflix Games.

The new service is currently only available on Android, but is expected to be available on iOS devices in the future.

There are plenty of free downloads to choose from that come straight from the Google PlayStore and can be accessed through your Netflix app and account.

Currently there are six games available to download and play with your Netflix account, and none of them are ad-supported.

There is also no statement from the company about monetizing its new platform going forward, meaning it could be permanently integrated into the subscription service’s existing platform as a way to retain customers.

A post from Netflix provides more details on what’s on offer and a hint at the company’s future plans, telling subscribers this week:

“Starting today, members everywhere can play five mobile games: Stranger Things: 1984 (BonusXP), Stranger Things 3: The Game (BonusXP), Shooting Hoops (Frosty Pop), Card Blast (Amuzo & Rogue Games), and Teeter Up (ice-cold pop ).

“Whether you fancy a casual game that you can start from scratch or an immersive experience that lets you dig deeper into your favorite stories, we want to start building a library of games that offers something for everyone.

“We are just at the beginning of creating a great gaming experience, and we are excited to take you on this journey.

“We love games, be it physical games (Floor Is Lava), mind games (The Circle) or Squid Game. And we love to entertain our members.”

As mentioned above, more gaming experiences are coming, which means that like the rest of the Netflix app, more expansions and spin-offs of famous TV shows and movies will be announced in the future.


Netflix Games officially launched in the UK this week and the service is now rolling out on the official app.

To play the new Netflix games, subscribers must access them through the Netflix app before downloading them from the Google PlayStore.

As mentioned above, the service currently only runs on Android devices, but more will be announced in the future.

Members on an Android mobile phone will see a dedicated games row and a games tab where you can select a game to download.

If you don’t see that yet, it means you may need to update your Netflix app or wait for the next one to arrive in your area.

Meanwhile, on an Android tablet, members will see a dedicated row of games or can select games from the drop-down menu of categories to download and play.

The good news is that while some mobile games require an internet connection, others will be available to play offline, making those long trips and areas with poor Wi-Fi a lot more bearable.

Another Netflix post about the limitations of the new service adds: “Members can play games on multiple mobile devices on the same account. If you reach your device limit, we’ll let you know and, if necessary, you can unsubscribe from devices.” that are not in use or remotely deactivate them on Netflix.com to free up a slot.

“We know how important child safety is to the parents, carers and guardians of our service. So these games are not available on kids profiles. If you’ve set up a PIN to prevent kids from accessing adult profiles, that same PIN is required to sign in to Netflix and play the game on a device.”

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