Hearthstone Alterac Valley Release Date Confirmed for 2021

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The New Hearthstone Expansion (Image: BLIZZARD)

The release date of Hearthstone Alterac Valley has been announced today by Blizzard, which is building an expanded storyline around the Horde and the Alliance.

According to the official description, the two factions are locked in an eternal battle and have called for new heroes and mercenaries to help turn the tide.

Blizzard is teasing that gamers will complete key objectives and secure Honorable Kills to help their faction achieve victory, and much of this takes place in the newly added Mercenaries mode.

There will also be the usual card expansion, with Blizzard adding another 137 cards to the game and also ushering in Phase 3 of the Year of the Gryphon on December 7:

“Phase 3 is on track with a Battlegrounds update, a seasonal event and more solo experiences. We will also continue to bring updates to Traditional Hearthstone, Duels, Mercenaries, Tavern Brawls and Solo Experiences,” a Blizzard message confirmed.

“Epic battles are defined by great leaders. Log into Hearthstone after the 21.8 patch goes live and you’ll be prompted to choose between the Horde’s Drek’Thar and the Alliance’s Vanndar Stormpike, two neutral Legendary cards from the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion.

“By choosing your side, choose one of the two to receive a free gold copy, available to play immediately! Limit one per account.

“This is a momentous choice that should not be taken lightly! After the expansion launches, fight for your faction to earn prizes and the ultimate honor of your faction’s legendary as a free Diamond card for the set! But don’t worry, as part of the post-expansion journey, you’ll also get a gold copy of the enemy faction leader.”

And below are some of the new gameplay mechanics and features confirmed as part of the expansion set to release on December 7:

Heroes of the Alliance and Horde

After clearing out the Barrens, the Wailing Caverns, Stormwind, and the Deadmines, our mercenaries are maxed out and ready to lead their faction to victory! Each class has a new hero card with powerful battle cries and hero powers that can determine the course of battle!

New keyword: honorable murder

Despite the bitter hostilities between the factions, remember to fight with honour! Cards with the new keyword Honorable Kill have a bonus effect if they deal exact lethal damage on your turn to kill an enemy minion.

Fight for goals

Never fall back! Alterac Valley is full of strategic objectives that you can claim and use to your advantage in battle. Objectives are spells with effects that last for three turns! Use your advantage while you still have it, and swing the fight in your favor.

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