Home News Gaming Fortnite Chapter 3 Live Event Releases No Season 9 Release Date

Fortnite Chapter 3 Live Event Releases No Season 9 Release Date

Fortnite Chapter 3 and Season 9 release news (Image: EPIC GAMES)

Epic Games is gearing up for something huge for its signature Battle Royale game, with the upcoming Fortnite live event launching in Chapter 3 rather than Season 9.

And some fans have been asking what exactly is the difference between the start of a new chapter and the start of a new season.

And the good news is, it’s all positive stuff that fans across all platforms can get really excited about.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season One will boast a ton of new content that just wouldn’t be possible during a simple season transition.

Here are some of the key things fans will expect from Fortnite Chapter 3:


A new Fortnite map is expected to arrive and this will be the most noticeable and biggest change any gamer will notice.

So far, there have been no leaks suggesting what the new map will look like and what new landmarks will be included.

This will only be revealed during the maintenance period, which is expected to begin between December 5 and December 6.

The new map is reportedly codenamed Artemis and could feature different climates, including an icy island to the northeast.

So far, however, there have been no solid leaks, meaning we’ll have to wait a little longer before learning more about the new map.


The Cube Queen is about to meet her demise and chances are she will be the catalyst behind the new world in Fortnite.

A new story is expected to begin that will be directly linked to the new Battle Pass and map.

The first teaser shared by Epic Games reads: “Now that The Convergence is complete, The Cube Queen is preparing her endgame on the island and nothing will ever be the same. Grab your weapons and fight the ultimate destroyer of all reality. Join ‘The End’, a one-time in-game event, and compete for your legacy.

“The End” is a one-time in-game event. Content creators and players looking to relive the final moments of Fortnite Chapter 2 should take steps to capture and archive their experience as replays will not be available. Players will not be able to change their settings once “The End” begins, so adjust any visual options to suit your preferred viewing experience before joining. Because the season ends the day before, all players who log in before the end of the season will receive a reward of 225,000 XP.”


A new Battle Pass will be launched with the start of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season One and it will contain 100 levels of cosmetics to unlock. As with the map, the Battle Pass is tied to the story, meaning there are characters and outfits to unlock in the new trailer.

New chapters and seasons also have special features, which can be delivered with additional cosmetics associated with the Battle Pass.


The Fortnite Live event will provide the first answers to what’s to come and we might even get a glimpse of the new Chapter 3 map. The new Fortnite event “The End” marks the final of Fortnite Chapter 2, with The Climatic event taking place on December 4 at 4pm ET as players take on The Cube Queen in a final stand for the fate of the island .

For gamers in the UK, the Fortnite event kicks off at 9pm GMT, with confirmation from Epic Games this month:

“Squad with your friends and players around the world to tackle the Sideways corruption. “The End” supports large groups of up to 16 players lined up together, so bring the whole team. Make sure to log in early – the ‘The End’ playlist will be available in Fortnite 30 minutes before the start time for players to jump in.

“To immortalize “The End,” players who fight back The Cube Queen by attending “The End” will unlock a special loading screen and wrap.”

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