Get a free £50 Amazon voucher with Nintendo Switch OLED purchases in a GREAT deal

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Nintendo Switch OLED Model (Image: NINTENDO)

If you’re considering purchasing a Nintendo Switch OLED edition this Christmas, you should first visit Hot UK Deals.

By pressing a . to click link on the deals site, customers will receive a £50 Amazon voucher with the purchase of a Nintendo Switch OLED from AO.

The Nintendo Switch OLED is currently available for £309, although this doesn’t include a game. You can always use the voucher to pick one up.

AO offers several payment options, including flexible credit available at checkout.

According to the website, there are also vouchers available for Argos, Tesco, Footlocker, Pizza Express and more.

The offer ends on December 27, so you still have a few days to take advantage of this fantastic deal.

As the name suggests, the main new feature is the OLED display, which offers a more vivid experience.

The new device does indeed have more vibrant colors and higher contrast compared to the current Switch and Switch Lite.

While the console itself is similar in size to the previous model, the screen actually measures 7 inches.

Other improvements include a wider adjustable stand for table mode and a LAN port for improved online performance.

With 64BG internal storage, the Nintendo Switch OLED model can hold more games, although you’ll probably still need an SD card if you’re downloading a lot of games.

Finally, the Nintendo Switch OLED model offers improved audio thanks to the beefier speakers.

Nintendo Switch OLED Model with Free Game

The Nintendo Switch OLED model has a bigger and better screen and an improved design.

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If you’re looking for a game to enjoy with your brand new Nintendo Switch, look no further than Metroid Dread.

Dread is a direct sequel to Metroid Fusion, moving the action to a brand new planet with a deadly threat.

“To complete Samus’s mission, you will navigate your way through the depths of a vast planet filled with unique environments, dangerous danger and mysterious secrets,” reads the official description.

“Use new and familiar skills to traverse these labyrinths, consult the map to find your way, and send enemy enemies in your path with powerful weapons.”

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