Xbox Game Pass replaces a major Xbox Series X download in January

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Microsoft starts the year with a statement about the kinds of games you can expect from the Xbox Game Pass.

The tech giant is coming out of the gates with something special, teaming up with Ubisoft to launch Rainbow Six Extraction on Xbox One and Xbox Series X through its subscription service.

This means that if you have a console and have Xbox Game Pass, you can start playing Extraction on January 20th.

Another nice bonus thrown in is aimed at existing Rainbow Six Siege players on consoles.

Gamers who play both Siege and Extraction will unlock the epic gear of the United Front bundle, providing another excellent reward for using the Pass.

There are also reports that Ubisoft could be ready to combine its own subscription service with Game Pass on Xbox consoles; however, these remain unconfirmed and should be taken with a grain of salt.

What we do know is that Ubisoft+ will be available for use on Xbox consoles, although the service hasn’t been given a launch date yet.

“By making Rainbow Six Extraction available to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass members on the day and date of launch through Xbox Game Pass, we demonstrate our belief in the value and choice that game subscriptions bring to players ,” said Chris Early, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Business Development at Ubisoft.

“Rainbow Six Extraction for Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass members is just the beginning. Ultimately, we will offer the Ubisoft+ subscription service to Xbox owners so that they can enjoy the full extent of our Ubisoft+ game library, including new releases, on their consoles.”

And Sarah Bond, Corporate Vice President, Game Creator Experience and Ecosystem at Xbox, added: “With Rainbow Six Extraction, Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass members get another blockbuster added to their library the same day the title launches. ,”

“And because Rainbow Six Siege will be coming to both Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, the Rainbow Six community and fans of tactical shooters have plenty to look forward to playing together wherever they play.”

New Xbox Game Pass titles include Series X downloads (Image: MICROSOFT)

And it’s good news for existing Xbox Game Pass subscribers, too, as some other high-profile games are about to leave the service.

Confirmed earlier this month by Microsoft, Kingdom Hearts III will disappear from Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles on January 15, along with these other titles:

  • Desperados III (cloud, console and PC)
  • Ghost of a Story (PC)
  • Mount & Blade: Warband (Cloud, Console and PC)
  • Pandemic (console and PC)
  • Yiik: A Postmodern RPG (PC)

Finally, PUBG: Battlegrounds will be leaving the Xbox Game Pass library on January 10 and will be free to play from January 12.

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