Home News Gaming Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies Revealed Today After Warzone Anti Cheat Update

Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies Revealed Today After Warzone Anti Cheat Update


All COD Zombies fans will want to tune in to the special Call of Duty Vanguard broadcast hosted today on YouTube.

Activision has confirmed that the first details about the new Zombies campaign will be shared in 2021.

The good news is that we know exactly when things will start, even if we don’t know how much information we will receive.

Based on what has been confirmed so far, the first trailer for Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies will be shared at 4pm BST or 8am PDT if you live in North America.

The trailer is expected to be part of a larger reveal starting on October 14 and detailing the story and setting of the new undead adventure.

COD fans expect more Call of Duty Zombies action based on the popular endless round maps first released in World at War.

But Zombies Outbreak has also proved very popular, and there’s a chance something like this will arrive in Vanguard at a later date.

The initial description of Vanguard Zombies adds, “We are excited to announce a franchise-first crossover as Call of Duty: Vanguard features an all-new Zombies game mode with development led by Treyarch Studios. This cooperative experience continues and intertwines with the Dark Aether story to create deeply engaging lore, all while innovating the core gameplay the mode is known for.

“Discover the unspeakable horrors of the precursor to Black Ops Cold War Zombies as you fend off the relentless onslaught of the undead when Vanguard launches on November 5.”

This week, Activision also revealed its plans for a new Anti Cheat system that will run in both Warzone and Vanguard.

Ricochet will use kernel-level technology and server support to reduce rampant cheating in COD games.

The new Call of Duty Zombies reveal is scheduled for today (Image: ACTIVISION)

These measures are being implemented on PC, with no plans for a console launch in the future.

This makes sense when reading the description of what will be used, but probably ignores Cronus exploits.

The full description reads: “RICOCHET Anti-Cheat’s backend anti-cheat security features will launch alongside Call of Duty®: Vanguard, and later this year with the Pacific update coming to Call of Duty: Warzone.

“In addition to the server improvements coming with RICOCHET Anti-Cheat, there is the launch of a new kernel-level PC driver, developed internally for the Call of Duty franchise and launched first for Call of Duty: Warzone. This driver helps identify cheaters and strengthens and strengthens overall server security. The kernel-level driver will launch later this year alongside the Pacific update for Warzone.

“While the kernel driver, which is just a part of RICOCHET Anti-Cheat, will be released to PC, console players who cross-play against players on PC will also benefit. The kernel-level driver will then be released for Call of Duty: Vanguard at a later date.”

The Call of Duty Anti Cheat System has no release date, but is expected to be in order before the end of 2021.

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