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Destiny 2 Xur Location Today: Where’s Xur This Week? What is he selling?


Where is Xur this week? (Image: BUNGIE)

Where Xur is and what he sells in Destiny are two questions that will be answered at 5pm GMT today.

While they don’t explain why things started an hour earlier, Guardians will now find The Agent of the Nine back in the mix a little earlier than usual.

And this will be the last time Xur jumps into the game before the big anniversary update arrives on December 7.

Bungie hasn’t shared any plans to change how Xur works, meaning you’ll still be able to buy exotics from him next week.

However, major changes are coming in other parts of the game, including the way some armor options will work in the game.

Bungie plans to remove the Glimmer requirement for certain features, which should release more for spending on items from Xur.

A post from Bungie explains: “By kicking off our list of QOL (aka Quality of Life) updates, the team has been working on a change that many of you have been asking for for a while. armor mods tinkered with and thought “Well this is going to cost quite a bit of Glimmer” or even run out in the process? Well, as of December 7th, this won’t be an issue anymore.

“Starting next week, you’ll be able to swap your armor mods instantly at any time, with no Glimmer or currency required. The team’s goal is to make building builds on the fly better, whether you’re in a PvP match or preparing for a Nightfall.

“We also took this opportunity to make free and reversible socket actions available for all Destiny 2 third-party apps starting December 7. will be able to apply Armor 2.0 mods, weapon perks, shaders, ornaments, and ghost projections on your behalf.”

There will be plenty of new exotic weapons and legendary armor pieces available to check out when the elusive merchant returns later in the day.

Bungie won’t reveal his final location, but Guardians will have to explore all of his normal abodes, including the EDZ, The Tower, and Nessus.

A full report of what new exotics are available to buy will be shared within minutes of his return.

For those new to Destiny, the Legendary Shards used by Xur are remnants of powerful items used to improve equipment or trade it for other things.

It should also be noted that Xur will drop items that are similar in power level to your character. And another part of Xur that’s new in the latest version of Destiny 2 is that he’s now dropping Cipher Quests for free.

The Quest will reward you with an exotic number, and last week involved completing 21 Strikes or winning the same number of Crucible or Gambit matches.

Each week, Guardians can acquire one Exotic Engram using Legendary Shards that are decoded as Exotics not already in your collection.

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