Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Review

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Shadowbringers has only further solidified XIV’s status as one of the greatest Final Fantasy games ever made

I’m a stranger in a atypical land. The human beings’s faces are acquainted, but their names and customs are alien. In Eorzea, the masses gather inside the streets and cheer for me, for I am Nidhogg’s bane, Ala Mhigo’s liberator, a knight of House Fortemps, and the Warrior of Light. However, the ones titles suggest not anything in Final Fantasy XIV’s most recent world, Norvrandt. I’m nobody right here. Nothing. Hell, if the locals knew I changed into a champion of the mild, they might grab the nearest pitchfork and mount my head on a stick. Norvrandt is not Eorzea, and as the mild fades from my heart and a sunless sea of night time seeps in, a few emboldening words from my precursor, Ardbert, assist me benefit balance: “no longer even the maximum valiant heroes can stand by myself” – the Warrior of Darkness has come.

That’s how my journey thru Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers felt. Square Enix’s MMORPG disaster-became-incredible-comeback-story is at the eve of the sixth anniversary of its revival, and I couldn’t dream up a better manner to commemorate the event than with what this new enlargement brings to the table. It’s bloody outstanding, and the most amusing I’ve ever had with Final Fantasy XIV.

The tale dug its hooks in me from the get-pass. A voice beckons from across the void; the identical that courted your partners, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and rendered them catatonic. That voice belongs to the Crystal Exarch, the self-appointed mother or father of a international referred to as Norvrandt (“The First” to the celestial-willing), and he, like his global, require your god-slaying abilties because all their personal heroes are long useless. Malevolent mild ravages this land as an unchecked blight, darkness is however a reminiscence, and it is up you to restore balance to the firmament. The Exarch also admits he sort of, type of, absolutely-now not-on-purpose dragged the spirits of your fellow Scions to Norvrandt and gave them corporeal shape here too. So, you know, you have to in all likelihood reunite with them and chew the fats whilst also saving the realm.

Light and darkness as a motif for top and evil is infrequently a new idea, even simply within Final Fantasy, but it is how Shadowbringers demanding situations the ones tropes that make its tale remarkable to me. Instead of representing the side of accurate, this mild is an abhorrent miasma of demise and ailment shepherded by way of the Sin Eaters, malevolent beings that want to imbue Norvrandt in a twisted radiance. You’re here to blow out the candles.

I am the main reporter of Gaming Ideology. I love to play 2D Games like CupHead. I am working as a reporter for five years now and loves to provide gaming news to others.

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