PS5 UK Stock: Amazon, Argos and GAME PlayStation 5 Restock Dates

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PS5 Stock is coming back to the UK (Image: SONY)

PS5 stock is in high demand in the UK and Sony is struggling to supply the number of consoles Argos and Amazon and GAME need to keep up.

There have also been recent reports that suppliers are experiencing more delays, most likely due to greater supply chain issues.

This has resulted in several predicted PS5 restock events not coming true and console hunters looking for news.

Information was shared last week suggesting that Amazon would be one of the next major retailers for PlayStation 5 consoles online.

This didn’t materialize and now gamers are hoping those same consoles could arrive sometime in the coming days.

GAME is another UK retailer linked with a major PS5 stock update, expected in mid-September.

That could take another week, however, along with another major retailer. The good news is that Argos is linked with a resupply that is likely to take place later in September.

According to PS5 Stock UK on Twitter – a reliable tracker account – Argos will receive a new shipment this week.

This could lead to PS5 stock going live on regional Argos sites on September 14, though this remains a report for now.

A message from PS5 Stock UK on Twitter reads: “PlayStation 5 (Argos) Exclusive News: The internal systems now show the high-demand console arriving mid-week around September 8, pointing to a possible restocking between September 14 and 17. .”

No further information has been shared about when new next-gen consoles will be available to purchase this week.

That doesn’t mean it will be a completely dry week, as some late-minute supplies may be announced in the coming days.

PS5 Stock UK has also warned gamers that while more consoles will be coming from other retailers not listed, there could be more demand, telling gamers this week:

“We expect demand to increase dramatically after September as students return to education and employees (vacationers) return to work.

“Therefore, we highly recommend our Discord server (link in the main tweet) as it is automated compared to Twitter (manual).”

Knowing when a PS5 replenishment is due can be vital, but it’s also worth knowing how each retailer handles their shipments.

And here are a few examples of how best to try and buy a PlayStation 5 console from leading UK retailers:

ARGOS: The Argos website is notorious for crashing and not being able to complete purchases when there is a lot of site traffic. Inventory trackers recommend using the Argos mobile app and keeping an eye on local store listings.

GAME: GAME is a UK retailer offering the most regular stock updates for PS5 consoles. However, console hunters have been warned to use Guest Checkout as this option is less likely to crash when completing a purchase. The next PS5 stock is expected around September 14.

AMAZON UNITED KINGDOM: Amazon UK works better under tension, but still has a few kinks worth noting. Creating an account with your card details is a good start, and gamers should also try adding a console to their wish list before checking out. More stock is expected in September, but no hard data has been confirmed.

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