Minecraft Mob Vote 2021: When is Minecraft Live and How Can I Vote?

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Minecraft Mob Vote 2021 (Image: MOJANG)

The Minecraft Mob Vote kicks off this week and three are three mobs to choose from in 2021.

The Copper Golem, Glare, and Allay Mobs were all announced ahead of Minecraft Live, the event they’re all a part of.

As in the past, Mojang developers are celebrating the big event by allowing gamers to choose which new Mob will be added to the game.

Each Mob has its own skills and attributes, and they’re all worth exploring before casting your vote on October 16.

The Copper Golem is made entirely of the metal it is named after and has another great quirk.

You will have to build the Copper Golem yourself, which makes it somewhat unique in the world of Minecraft.

The Copper Golem appears to be a temporary Mob, meaning it will stop working over time as it oxidizes.

The main goal is to randomly press copper buttons, which will be added to the game if the Golem is selected by the 2021 Mob Vote.

A post from Mojang adds: “The copper golem is the DIY project of your dreams. Not only can you build a brand new buddy, but this little creature is made from 100% copper. That means, like any other copper structure, it will oxidize over time. It’s more than just a pretty sight, the copper golem is also very unpredictable!

“Keep an eye out for it, especially if there are brass buttons lying around. Oh, don’t you have it yet? Well, that’s because they are also added to Minecraft if you vote for the copper golem.”

Meanwhile, the Allay will be more useful as you can give him an item and he will search for more of them.

“It is also a huge music lover and loves to dance! That’s just lovely. But also practical, because if you have a notepad nearby, you can store your collectibles there! And, as you can see, it’s just cute and has little wings that I’m not jealous of at all, not at all.”

The Glare is the third and final new Mob you can vote for and comes with some interesting new abilities.

While it won’t push buttons or dance, it will seek out areas of darkness where monsters can spawn, with Mojang confirming today:

“In addition to being super recognizable, it also shows you areas that are dark enough for monsters to spawn. It does this by flying into dangerously dark areas and then triggering a hissing attack. With your eyes on your side, you know that any tantrum will not only result in me flipping this car right back, but possibly monsters.”


Minecraft Live kicks off at 5pm BST on October 16, making it really easy to watch in Europe and North America.

Mojang has confirmed that the main event will start at 12:00 PM EDT and will feature a lot of exciting information about Minecraft.

The development team has also confirmed that the 2021 Minecraft Mob Vote will begin airing on October 16.

To vote for your chosen Mob, you need to go to the official Minecraft Twitter page and cast your vote on the social media platform.

More information on how exactly the system will work will be revealed during the Minecraft Live broadcast, which will be available on YouTube.

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