PS5 UK stock update from PlayStation Direct ahead of Argos replenishment

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PS5 UK Stock News (Image: SONY)

PlayStation Direct UK is reportedly sending out emails today inviting gamers to buy PS5 shares on the website later this week.

According to those who have received one, PlayStation Direct will be restocking the PS5 on Friday, November 19, 2021.

As mentioned above, only those invited will likely get access to the PS5 add-on being advertised.

The good news is that Sony can always open up PlayStation Direct to everyone after this email supplement is complete, and it’s worth keeping an eye on the latest news on social media.

To participate in the event, you must have received an email with an embedded unique link and must use it between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM GMT on November 19.

And this won’t be the only PlayStation 5 replenishment taking place this week, following a wave of activity from leading retailers.

GAME has organized two restocks this week, a large one and a much smaller one shortly after.

Amazon held another event today, the first in several weeks open to those with Prime accounts.

And another one is expected to take place between November 18 and November 19 to cap off a busy week for console hunters.

Argos is expected to drop a shipment of PlayStation 5 consoles before the end of the week, between 8am and 1pm GMT.

The timing can always change or be delayed, but chances are it will happen before the PlayStation Direct drop on Friday.

The news was shared by PS5 Stock UK – a reliable stock tracker account on Twitter – known for providing the best guides on what happens next.

The message posted on Twitter by PS5 Stock UK reads: “A huge #PS5 drop is expected by Argos around November 18-19.

“Several shipments have been received, both Disc and Digital Editions, making it Argos’ biggest PS5 drop since launch. Should be at 8am as usual, in store and online.

Knowing when a PS5 replenishment is due can be vital, but it’s also worth knowing how each retailer handles their shipments.

And here are a few examples of how best to try and buy a PlayStation 5 console from leading UK retailers:

AMAZON UNITED KINGDOM: Amazon UK works better under tension, but still has a few kinks worth noting. Creating an account with your card details is a good start, and gamers should also try adding a console to their wish list before checking out.

GAME: GAME is a UK retailer offering the most regular stock updates for PS5 consoles. However, console hunters have been warned to use Guest Checkout as this option is less likely to crash when completing a purchase.

ARGOS: The Argos website is notorious for crashing and not being able to complete purchases when there is a lot of site traffic. Inventory trackers recommend using the Argos mobile app and keeping an eye on local store listings. Argos is expected to release new stock between November 18 and November 19.

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