PlayStation may have a secret weapon to fight Xbox’s big Activision Blizzard deal

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PlayStation may have secret weapon to fight Xbox Activision Blizzard deal (Image: GETTY)

It’s rumored that Sony has struck a deal to ensure a “major, but undisclosed, third-party exclusive” launches for the PS5, with an announcement tipped for 2022. This news comes courtesy of the Podcast Sacred Symbols (through PlayStation LifeStyle) who commented on how Sony’s marketing spend is expected to increase significantly for this year. With titles like God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7, and Horizon Forbidden West coming to PS5 in 2022, that might not come as much of a surprise.

However, according to the PlayStation-focused podcast, the biggest reason for this increase in marketing spend is this unannounced third-party title.

Given the high-quality PS5 lineup Sony has planned for 2022, if there’s one unannounced title that makes the PlayStation team think even more of marketing it could be a pretty big deal.

Sacred Symbols said they heard this information after talking to “someone in the know” at Sony, but couldn’t say what the game would be.

The podcast speculated that the unannounced title could be the next BioShock game, rumored to be a timed PS5 exclusive, or the rumored unannounced PS5 exclusive made by Bloodborne developers FromSoftware.

Alternatively, it could be another Square Enix game – with VGC and NME journalist Jordan Middler claiming earlier this month on ResetEra that PlayStation will be “home” to Final Fantasy this generation.

So maybe we’ll see another Final Fantasy game announced in 2022, alongside Final Fantasy 16 – which is also a PS5 exclusive.

There is also an alternative option. Years ago, a leak surfaced that GTA 6 was going to be a timed PS5 exclusive and that Sony had paid a lot of money to secure the rights.

This was one of the first GTA 6 rumors out there, with the claims made in a deleted post on Pastebin.

However, what was interesting about this alleged “leak” was that it was accurately given other details about the PS5 just before the console was officially announced by Sony.

That could give credence to the astounding claims about GTA 6 eventually becoming a timed exclusive.

If that turns out to be the case, the Sony and PlayStation team would be the perfect compensation for Microsoft’s big Activision Blizzard announcement, given the massive hype for GTA 6 and how consistently good GTA 5 has been since its launch in 2013. sold.

As always with rumours, it’s best to take things with a grain of salt until the official confirmation.

When Microsoft first announced Activision Blizzard’s major Xbox acquisition, there was speculation that Call of Duty could become an Xbox exclusive.

That would be a huge blow to PlayStation gamers, given how well COD sells on Sony consoles year after year.

However, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has opened the door to Activision Blizzard IPs that will continue to appear on PlayStation consoles in the future.

Spencer said, “I’m just saying to players who play Activision Blizzard games on the Sony platform, we don’t intend to take communities off that platform and we remain committed to that.”

The Activision Blizzard acquisition, which cost Microsoft a whopping $68.7 billion, is expected to close in fiscal 2023 — so the deal may not be fully completed until 18 months from now.

Where to buy a PS5 in the UK?
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GAME – PS5 Consoles, Bundles

GAME was one of the best places to buy a PS5 in the UK in 2021. GAME sells the PS5 Digital (£359.99) and PS5 Disc (£449.99) consoles separately, as well as a range of bundles of accessories, games and more.

FROM £359.99

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Argos – PS5 Disc

Argos was the other best place to buy a PS5 in the UK this year. One of the best things about ordering a PS5 from Argos is that customers were able to pick up a shiny new PS5 console from their local Argos store not too long after placing their order.


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Argos – PS5 Digital

Unlike GAME, Argos typically only sells standalone PS5 consoles. The cheapest PS5 purchase option from Argos is the PS5 Digital console, which costs £359.99. With previous restocks, Argos has offered both same-day in-store pick-up and home delivery.


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Amazon – PS5 Disc Console

Amazon has been a great place to buy the PS5 in the UK this year. However, if you want to be first in line, you’d better update your Amazon Prime subscription. That’s because Prime members tend to get “priority access” to Amazon UK PS5 add-ons.


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Very also offers a range of PS5 purchase options for its restocks, including standalone consoles and bundles including accessories or subscription services. You can go to the Very PS5 signup by clicking here to receive email updates on the PlayStation 5.


John Lewis is another leading UK retailer taking online orders for the PS5. The iconic high street store has had new stocks for both the PS5 Disc and PS5 Digital consoles in the past. But with John Lewis, you have to act fast as stocks tend to pick up quickly.

£359.99 AND £449.99
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Currys – PS5 Ordering Hub

Currys is another UK retailer that has taken orders for the PS5 this year. A VIP code is required for most 2021 Curry’s online orders. But we’ll have to wait and see if this schedule changes as PS5 stock – hopefully – becomes more readily available.

FROM £359.99

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Telecom giant BT also lets customers order a PS5 through its official online store. To be in with a chance of winning a PS5 from BT, you must be a customer and also register your interest online.


As with parent company BT, EE also sells the PS5 to its customers. But you must register your interest, have received a code and also be an existing customer with a handset subscription that falls within the first 17 months of their contract.

Image of deal – PS5 Store is another retailer that has taken innovative approaches to its PS5 additions. While some PS5 add-ons have been purchased through the conventional online route, other customers have had to call the store to place an order. You can head over to the AO PS5 store to find the latest deals currently being bought online.


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ShopTo – PS5 Stock Alerts

ShopTo is a specialist gaming retailer that has also taken orders for the PS5 in 2021. If you’d like to be notified when ShopTo gets more PS5 stock, you can sign up for email notifications on the retailer’s website today.


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Another gaming specialist that has gotten PS5 additions this year is The Game Collection. The retailer has previously opened orders for bumper bundles that include games and accessories. While you wait for the next stock, check out the wide range of other PS5 items the retailer has in store, as well as all the money-saving deals The Game Collection has right now.

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