Call of Duty: Mobile Season 4 Rejected and Burned Gameplay Tips by YouTube Star Spratt

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Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 (Image: ACTIVISION)

Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 is in full swing on iOS and Android devices.

The new Call of Duty Mobile season offers a slew of new features including maps, modes and unlockable characters.

This includes the iconic Dome multiplayer map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, a true fan favorite.

“Fight through this military radar station in the middle of the desert, where you will encounter danger at every turn, whether you go through the central containers, the radar tower or the abandoned offices.”

That’s on top of some exciting new game modes like Capture the Gold and 1v1 Duel.

In 1v1 Duel, the first to reach seven kills wins the round. If you win three rounds, you win the match and you get applause.

Capture the Gold is a bit different, as teams are tasked with stealing enemy gold and returning it to their base.

“In Capture the Gold, grab the enemy’s gold and return it to your base before they get yours. In this variant of Capture the Flag, players eliminated by a gold bearer drop power-ups that can be used to gain the advantage over the enemy.”

Following the Season 4 release, YouTube gaming creator Spratt shares some of his top tips for mastering the wild west and becoming the ultimate marksman.

Mastering the Slide, Jump and Dropshot…

“Movement is key if you want to survive and improve your killstreak. Implement sliding, jumping and dropshotting into your gameplay and become a master at surprising your opponents or dodging firefights.”

Adjust your settings…

“With so many customization options with the advanced controls, you can customize the in-game controls to suit your play style.

“I like adjusting transparency levels for better in-game visibility and increasing my awareness so I can see things I wouldn’t normally see. Give it a try.”

Refine your goal…

“Keep your sights centered in high-traffic areas where enemies are likely to appear, and you’ll bring them to justice as a true marksman.”

Arrange your weapons…

New to Season 4, the MK2 Carbine is the perfect weapon for the sharpshooting cowboys out there.

“Optimized with the right attachments, it becomes an incredibly fast yet powerful one-shot weapon – rank up!”

Score-streak your way to victory…

“The new Hawk X3 Scorestreak is a surefire way to keep your streak alive once you unlock at Tier 14.

“Before you trap your enemies and take to the skies to rain down fire from above, make sure enemies can’t find you by hiding in a safe location.”

These tips and tricks are written by YouTube game creator Spratt. You can watch his Call of Duty content on his YouTube channel here.

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