Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards This Week and Flawless Loot

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Trials of Osiris Rewards for January 28 (Image: BUNGIE)

With the Witch Queen slowly approaching, there are still plenty of reasons to jump into the Trials of Osiris.

While we know changes are planned as part of the next expansion, that doesn’t mean you can still unlock some great Destiny 2 rewards in January.

Today the Trials will return, and without any mention of rule changes, Guardians would expect the regular rules to be enforced.

The goal of the endgame remains to unlock the Adept weapon of your choice that Bungie chose as the top prize.

This is the official Flawless loot until the mode resets on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 on PlayStation, Xbox and PC platforms.

With the Trials slated to continue throughout the weekend, Guardians will battle it out on a random map, with the top prize yet to be revealed.

Last week, Guardians attempted to reach the highest point to claim the Sola’s Scar Adept’s legendary sword.

The official Osiris rewards will be revealed after 5pm GMT and it’s up to Guardians to do the hard work as Bungie rarely gives directions ahead of time.

Trials now offer a seven win challenge, which will be available from Saint-14, and yields the Adept Flawless loot. Reputation win per match has been scaled based on the number of round wins on a ticket, and trial passes are now within account range.

Bungie has confirmed that they have reduced the round time to 90 seconds, with each round starting with fresh special ammunition.

Cross-Play must be enabled to participate, which also requires the purchase of the current annual expansion.

And Bungie has also confirmed its plans to make more changes to the long-running mode, starting with the release of the Witch Queen expansion.

A new message from the Destiny 2 development team provided more information about how reputation changes would be implemented in Trials and other modes, and the team confirms this in a new statement:

“For Season 16, you can expect an increased Vanguard reputation on completion, activity sequences, Nightfall multipliers, and Nightfall completion quality bonuses. Vanguard’s reputation gains should be about twice as fast for most players, with the ability to optimize even faster by playing Nightfalls on a higher difficulty and making more use of the activity streak.

Similarly, Trials of Osiris was about 30% slower than expected, while not having accelerated gains when reaching higher ranks.

“We also felt that we didn’t value winning rounds enough, especially players who win 20 rounds and win 7 tickets. We added a small amount of Trials Reputation at the end of the match for each round won in that match, which increases based on the number of tickets a player has won.

“At the top end each round won 21 reputation awards (up to 105 extra reputation per match). Ideally, this speeds up Trials reputation gains by 50 percent or more for players who don’t reset their ticket regularly in an effort to go flawless.

“While we haven’t been able to provide accelerated reputation gains for higher ranks in The Witch Queen for technical reasons, you can expect more news on that later in the year! (Here’s also a quick preview of a returning Trials reward for next season. There’s one more weapon in the pipeline, but we’ll leave that up to you to find out when Trials returns in The Witch Queen.)”

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