Find Your Way to the Pickaxe Location in Sons of the Forest – A Step-by-Step Guide

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Sons of the Forest: How to Find the Pickaxe

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In the expansive world of Sons of the Forest, surviving the harsh wilderness and its mysterious inhabitants requires not only skill but also the right tools. With the introduction of patch 12, players can now enhance their weapons through the innovative forge system. However, before you embark on your journey to weapon mastery, you’ll need a crucial tool in your inventory—the Pickaxe. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of locating the elusive Pickaxe in Sons of the Forest.

Navigating to the Northeastern Cave

To commence your quest for the Pickaxe, set your sights on the northeastern corner of the map, where a new cave system beckons. Thankfully, your trusty GPS tracker will aid you in identifying the cave entrances. Keep an eye out for two closely situated cave entrances, with the one nearest to the river serving as your ultimate destination.

Descending into the Cave

Upon reaching the cave entrance, prepare to descend into the underground labyrinth. Unlike other cave systems teeming with mutant threats, this particular one offers a reprieve from enemy encounters. However, don’t forget to equip your rebreather, as you’ll encounter multiple underwater sections during your journey.

The Path to the Pickaxe

Follow these step-by-step directions to secure the Pickaxe:

1. The Watery Descent

  • Continue descending deeper into the cave until you reach a small chamber, adorned with a serene pool of water beneath a cascading waterfall. Nearby, you’ll find essential supplies, including an oxygen bottle. Grab the bottle and take the plunge into the water.

2. Navigating the Depths

  • Swim through the underwater passage, passing eerie skeletons suspended by ropes. While the underwater passage can be disorienting, keep moving forward as there are no branching paths.

3. Beyond the Boulder

  • After emerging from the water, proceed straight and clamber over a sizable boulder. Soon, you’ll encounter a boarded-up passage. Head right at this juncture and gracefully descend a slope.

4. The Fork in the Tunnel

  • Find yourself in yet another pool, necessitating another dive. This time, there’s only one fork in the cave. Stick to the right corner to maintain a clear path. If you inadvertently venture left and reach a dead end, simply retrace your steps to the fork.

5. A Sharp Turn

  • During this underwater leg, you’ll encounter a sharp left turn. Afterward, you can begin your ascent.

6. The Broken Planks

  • After surfacing once more, you’ll encounter a section with broken planks barring your way. Fortunately, there’s no need to dismantle anything. Right after passing this barrier, prepare for your third underwater plunge.

7. A Swift Dive

  • The third underwater section is straightforward and swift, devoid of any confusing forks.

8. A Gruesome Sight

  • Upon resurfacing, you’ll be confronted with a gruesome spectacle—three miners hanging from the cave ceiling. Take the path to the left.

9. The Pickaxe Awaits

  • As you proceed, you’ll stumble upon a wall adorned with Solofite ore, alongside a conveniently placed ladder. Approach the Solofite vein to discover the coveted Pickaxe. Retrieve it and prepare to harness the power of Solofite for your Forge by testing it on the ore.

10. The Journey’s End

- To exit the cave system, make a right turn and ascend the rope twice. This will guide you to the final stretch, emerging from the second tunnel entrance, closer to the lake.

With the Pickaxe now in your possession, you’re well-equipped to mine Solofite and amplify your arsenal at the forge. If you’re seeking further assistance in mastering the art of survival in Sons of the Forest, explore our array of guides, including “All Sons of the Forest Weapons (and how to get them)” and the “Sons of the Forest Electric Fence guide.” Happy gaming, and may your adventures in the forest be both thrilling and fruitful!

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