Netflix Renews Castlevania: Nocturne for a Second Season!

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Netflix Renews Castlevania: Nocturne for a Second Season

Netflix has recently renewed its new animated series, Castlevania: Nocturne, for a second season. This decision comes just a week after the first season debuted to critical acclaim and positive feedback from fans.

About Castlevania: Nocturne

Castlevania: Nocturne follows the story of Richter Belmont, who serves as the protagonist. The show is set in 18th century France, where a group of aristocrats have joined forces with an evil Vampire Messiah.

Across eight episodes, Belmont takes on the responsibility of leading the fight against the Vampire Messiah.

Creator’s Excitement

Clive Bradley and Kevin Kolde, the show’s creator and co-showrunner respectively, expressed their gratitude to both long-time and new Castlevania fans for their amazing response and support. They also expressed their excitement to bring more of Castlevania: Nocturne and continue Richter Belmont’s story.

Expanding the Castlevania Universe

Castlevania: Nocturne is part of Konami’s recent efforts to expand the renowned Castlevania IP beyond games. While there have been remasters of old titles, the IP is being utilized in other mediums as well, such as the animated series.

Looking Ahead

With the success of the animated series, fans eagerly anticipate the development of a new entry in the Castlevania game franchise.

Source – [Variety]

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