Dungeons of Eternity: A Promising VR Dungeon Crawler with Room for Improvement

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Review: Dungeons of Eternity

Design: A fantasy that never gets tired

When it comes to Dungeons of Eternity, the developers at Othergate had a clear goal in mind – to create a standout virtual reality dungeon crawler that offers a refined and outstanding gaming experience. And they have succeeded. While the game doesn’t try to reinvent the genre, it excels at delivering a simple yet addictive gameplay loop centered around completing missions, battling enemies, solving puzzles, and collecting loot. The game package is made even more impressive with four distinct biomes and various mission types, although the limited number of events may leave some players wanting more.

Gameplay: A winning formula, but…

The core of Dungeons of Eternity lies in its satisfying gameplay mechanics. The hand-to-hand combat system is well-executed, with weapons providing a pleasant tactile feel when interacting with objects and enemies. The hitboxes are nearly flawless, and the enemies offer a good level of unpredictability, making parrying and combat a joy for both the eyes and hands. Ranged combat options, such as bows and crossbows, are available, but they don’t feel as refined as the melee combat. Magic users, on the other hand, can enjoy using a staff that allows them to manipulate enemies with a beam. However, the game doesn’t feature defined character classes, opting instead to allow players to customize their characters with passive skills and craft powerful gear. This means that players will need to invest several hours in order to achieve their desired power level. Playing Dungeons of Eternity alone can be quite challenging due to repetitive missions and settings, so it is highly recommended to play with a group of people.

Contents: Promising, but in need of more

Dungeons of Eternity shows great potential, but it requires more content in order to stay relevant and avoid becoming a forgotten VR game. The developers at Othergate should focus on creating additional customization options, introducing new weapons, and exploring new game modes. While the game already boasts a strong audio soundtrack with sensational spatial audio and weapon sounds, as well as a visually appealing interface with impressive particle effects and natural enemy animations, there is room for improvement in terms of creature variety. Additionally, the game does suffer from some bugs that can hamper the gameplay experience, but the developers have shown commitment to addressing these issues. With attention to detail and future updates, Dungeons of Eternity has the potential to become a top-tier dungeon crawler.

Review at a Glance

Dungeons of Eternity is a dream come true for fans of fantasy roguelike dungeon crawlers. With a solid player base, a well-functioning multiplayer mode, and an amazing combat system, the game already offers a notable gameplay experience. However, it still feels somewhat raw and could benefit from more polish and content updates in the future. Overall, it’s a promising game that will surely continue to evolve and improve over the coming years.

  • Game Experience Rating: 8.0

  • User Rating (0 votes): 0

I am the main reporter of Gaming Ideology. I love to play 2D Games like CupHead. I am working as a reporter for five years now and loves to provide gaming news to others.

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