Free Loot Lost Ark LIVE for Amazon Prime Members: Countdown to launch with THESE bonuses

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Lost Ark is a new game from Amazon (Image: AMAZON)

After the success of MMORPG New World, Amazon Games returns with a brand new version titled Lost Ark. Amazon’s next massively multiplayer online RPG will be available as a free download on February 11. for a long time, you can actually play early by purchasing one of the Founders Packs, which provide early access and exclusive items. There is even better news for Amazon Prime customers, who have been granted a selection of bonus items for free.

If you are an Amazon Prime customer, you can access the Battle Item Pack as part of your subscription.

The Battle Item Pack contains a number of free gadgets to help you on your mission.

This includes the Crystalline Aura, the Amethyst Shards Pack, and the Battle Chest Pack. The latter contains a Healing Battle Chest, a Utility Battle Chest, and an Offensive Battle Chest.

The offer is available until March 8, at which point it will be replaced by another set of bonus items.

As a reminder, you will need to be an Amazon Prime member to access the pack, but not the game itself.

Fortunately, you can try Amazon Prime for free for 30 days. The items will be yours to keep, even after the trial period ends.

Amazon Prime Lost Ark Bundle

Amazon Prime Lost Ark Bundle (Image: AMAZON)

Lost Ark is a new MMORPG featuring seven huge continents, as well as countless different cultures and a huge selection of enemies.

“Embark on an odyssey to the Lost Ark in a vast and vibrant world: Explore new lands, search for lost treasures and challenge yourself in thrilling action combat.

“Define your fighting style with your class and advanced class and customize your skills, weapons and equipment to bring your might to the field as you battle hordes of enemies, colossal bosses and dark forces seeking the power of Ark in this action packed free-to-play RPG. “

While the free version doesn’t launch until February 11, the game has already amassed quite a following.

The game has more than 500,000 concurrent players on Steam, while fans flock to the paid version with early access.

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